Church House Rescue

Can a month be so awesome that it leaves you speechless as you ask your friends to pinch you to see if it’s all really happening?

April 2019 has been that kind of month. But no month deserves the appellation: “good month” unless it sets you up for better things!

What kind of month has this been? April has forced us to say, It can’t get better than this! And this is exactly where God wants us to be, so that He can impress us with so much more in the next subsequent outpouring of grace upon grace.

Mercy is the defusing of potential threats and actual roadblocks that could have jeopardised our going forward and moving up higher in Christ to greater heights, the removal of obstacles in our way from going forward from strength to strength that would establish the work of our hands for us.

Grace is the supernatural enabling by the Holy Spirit that empowers leaders to lead and the church to do excellently in followership. Grace repositions me to animate all my natural abilities where I work best and am most productive. Unless the Lord build the house, the labourers labor in vain.

Every good and perfect gift comes from above and sets the bench mark for how we will measure divine goodness in the coming months of future good. The immediate past 30 days has raised the bar that decodes and defines what it means when his people say, “God is good”.

“If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.” (Matthew 24:43)

Jesus spoke these words to a first century audience that would only know the executive decision of Caesar upon the city of Jerusalem which was raped and razed by the Tenth Legion and subsequently carried off, lock, stock and barrel to Italy and various parts of the Greco-Roman empire.

I hear these words in a completely different context today in the last curtain call of history in the wake of 2,000 years of Anno Domini, fueled by the zeal of mystics, martyrs and missionals carrying the gospel flame into the deepest, darkest recesses “where God’s word is heard small and his light seen dim”.

I asked myself, what might be a “good month” for me? And I answered, the month I received 2 return airline tickets courtesy of Lindt, Zurich and a supply equivalent to 1 years worth of chocolate. How much chocolate can a man eat a day x 365 days! Lianne and I had all our fridges full and loads to give away including on the streets of Geylang. We slept in a wooden lodge in St Paul-Evian overlooking lake Geneva on the French side courtesy of friends of Jesus in Switzerland and toured the countryside visiting Zermatt to Lausanne and my old church in Geneva where I was baptised 38 years ago.

This day, I can say, has topped even that, having been the recipient of an 18′ foot container full of antiques that includes handsome wood bookcases, rare and precious treasures of art, in rosewood and sandalwood, according to the Proverbs that says: “By wisdom a house is built and by understanding its rooms are filled with rare and precious treasures”. I believe there has not been a day like today in my entire time as a local church pastor in its scale and significance to those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

Today, I can honestly say, I did not know when my house was “broken into” not by thief or by robber but by the graciousness and favor of God, by divine and angelic compassions that fail not, by the similitude of heavenly peace that sets the bar as high as I’ve ever seen in one “good month” ie, April 2019 that has broken all records in accordance to Scripture where it says: “Do your outside work, prepare your fields then build your house.”

Church House Rescue: GBG opens her doors again this Sunday 29th April 2019 to celebrate what the Lord has done through your gifts and beneficence over the past 25 years as a local Singaporean church in the Asia-Pacific theatre of operations. Speaker: Cherissa Tan. Venue: 175b (3rd floor) Geylang Road S(389247). Time: 10am-1pm.

[Photo: Rusty Macanas from Baguio, together with Jon and Melchi on the installation of the Double Bookcase with top shelf access ladder housing the Wayne Dillard collection]

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